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November 14, 2014

Retail Tracker S.H.O.P.: Insta Generation

Insta Generation: This is a term we have been using to describe a generation of people, roughly starting at 10 years old and lasting until their 30’s (or really until they settle down with a partner and start taking pictures of their food.) The phenomenon of Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat and the like are based around communication and importantly pictures. With lives being documented as if every person is writing a memoir suddenly changing your outfit, making sure you look camera ready and are groomed from the waist up is very important. Thus, while she might spend for the right jeans, she is more likely to buy several inexpensive tops so that she is not always photographed in the same one. We have witnessed this in conversations in stores. The growing re-sale market taps into this need to want newness. The fast fashion retailers, are less about fast (as everyone has caught up) fashion as disposable fashion as she needs constant change. Spending on make-up, blowouts and the right look is as important as she is always trying to be camera ready. The iPhone is like her personal paparazzi.